
FOX 1 2With the encouragement of the Mammal Societies initiative to lend camera traps to members so that they can discover more about their local wildlife I borrowed one and set it on the Common for several nights, and some days.

On the first night the camera filmed a badger digging about around some rabbit warrens so I thought, "what a good start". Well, it was the highlight but nevertheless I caught foxes and muntjac on the camera. I was surprised to find how many rabbits were caught on the camera and how they seemed to wander about apparently heedless of foxes at night.

Some short films from the camera trap are displayed below. The Munjac film consists of several clips from several days joined together.

I hope to be able to do more of this and find out more about the variety of wildlife on our Common.
Graham Thorne

Badger (20sec)

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Muntjac (2 min 20sec)

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Fox (10sec)

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Rabbit (10sec)

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Pheasant (10sec)

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