
Coleshill Common and the Pond – We Need Your View?


The Common and Pond are the responsibility of Coleshill Parish Council who, for around 30 years, have handed the care of both to the Common Management Committee. We need to hear how would like both open spaces to look and be managed in the coming years.

Any answers will be treated as confidential and are for our limited use only.

The Pond

Grass Cutting and General Maintenance

The grassed areas in front and to the left and right-hand sides of the pond is cut approximately 15 times a year.

Do you think this is adequate, (Yes/No) and if no, what would you like to see happen instead?

Water Levels.

It is our current understanding that the pond is fed by underground springs, like those that run out along the paths down to the fields from the Red Lion and the bend on New Road. As a result, the pond fills up when the water table is high, and water drains away when the water table falls in periods of drought or very low rainfall.

Do you accept that the Pond’s water level will fluctuate with the seasons, (Yes/No) and if no, what would you like to see happen instead, bearing in mind any water added during a period of drought will quickly drain away?


Several plants (including Leucojums, purple loosestrife, water mint, irises, reed mace, cuckoo flowers, hemp agrimony, cuckoo flower plants) are growing on the edges of the pond. These create a habitat for frogs and butterflies and help maintain water quality. The pond is also a key central feature of the village, and the plants need to be managed regularly. The pond has recently had a large quantity of silt and plants removed leaving patches to the left- and right-hand side. The current idea is for plants to be removed on the edges next to the road but remain to the left and right-hand sides.

Are you in favour of this approach, whereby the pond is visible and open from the front, and plants are controlled either side, (Yes/No) and if no, what would you like to see happen instead?

The Common

The common is an important amenity used daily by dog walkers, a place for children to play, for picnics and for villagers to enjoy. It is also an important natural resource for flora and fauna. In recent times effort has been made to improve access. Paths into the common have been built. The grassed area is cut twice a year, and some of the encroaching brambles etc. are cut back periodically. Not everyone uses the common, and as well as understanding what villagers think of it currently and their wishes for the future, we also want to understand how the common can be improved for everyone’s benefit.

High Usage Users (if applicable to you)

If you use the Common regularly, are you happy with its condition and the way it is maintained (Yes/No) and if no, what would you like to see happen instead?

Occasional Users (if applicable to you)

If you do not use or seldom use the Common what would encourage you to use the common more in future?

Child Friendliness

If you take your children or grandchildren to the common to play and explore, are you happy with the way it is currently maintained (Yes/No) and if no, what do you think would make it more attractive for children?


Over many years trees have grown across the common. From time to time, they have been cut down to both manage the woodland and to allow villagers to see across more open land.

Do you think the balance of trees versus openness is currently satisfactory, (Yes/No) and if no, what would you like to see happen instead?

Any other ideas you have about the common?


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