Welcome to the website for Coleshill in Buckinghamshire.
This is the community website for the village of Coleshill in Buckinghamshire. As a community resource, it is available for all residents to publicise their events and activities. To be included on the website, please use the contact form to contact the webmaster.
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The village of Coleshill nestles high in the Chiltern Hills between Amersham and Beaconsfield. Coleshill can trace its roots to the early Roman occupation of Britain. Positioned on a hill, Coleshill is one of the highest villages in the Chilterns. With natural springs providing fresh water this made an ideal strategic place for an early encampment. Coleshill village centre was designated as a conservation area in 1992.
The village is centred around All Saints' Church - completed in 1856, the village common - open land since the middle ages, the village pond - unusual at the top of a hill, lying on a perched aquifer, overlooked by The Red Lion public house - which existed since the early years of the 20th century, the Village School - built in 1847 and the Village Hall.
Village road and Barracks Hill are the through roads in the village where many historic dwellings still exist. As well as roads, the Parish supports over fifteen miles of well marked and regularly used footpaths.
With not just an impressive history, Coleshill is a thriving modern community of approximately 250 households and 650 people. As well as the active church, church choir and primary school, Coleshill supports many active clubs, groups and societies, including :- Women’s Institute, Tennis Club, Cricket Club, Bowls Club, Darts Team, Cribbage Team, two Pub Quiz Teams, Drama Group, Horticultural Society and a diligent Neighbourhood Watch. Village affairs are managed by an active Parish Council of residents.
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